Greetings to all Hartwick, Milford, and Mount Vision family members, supporters, and friends:
This coming Sunday is Communion Sunday. All are welcome at the Lord's Table!
This Sunday is also Groundhog Day....
Wendy is hosting an evening for ladies at her house on Monday, 3rd February, meeting at 6pm.
Wednesday next week we have a Gathering at 6pm. A meal is served, communion is shared, plus ample opportunity for fellowship... rounded off with a short devotion.
Men's Breakfast next Saturday on 8th February. Gentlemen from all our congregations are most welcome. Breakfast is served at 8:30am.
The Lord's Table monthly volunteering opportunity, is on Monday, February 10th. St. James's Episcopal Church in Oneonta. We convene at 4pm and finish by 6pm. Bring an apron, and a large smile!
Hope you are managing to stay warm. Distinctly Canadian weather out there!
Pastor Sylvia