Greetings to all Hartwick, Milford and Mount Vision family members, supporters and friends:
Just over 200 people viewed our online Sunday morning worship Service last Sunday!
This Service is available on either the church FaceBook page, or by going to our church website, at any time after 10am on Sunday. My thanks to Ron, Emily and Anthony for stepping forward in faith to make this possible.
Our five telephone coordinators are in contact with members usually twice a week, to check in, and ensure all is well, and to collect any prayer requests. If you have a prayer request, please contact me at
This weeks Online Childrens Message will be hosted by everyone’s favorite teacher Cindy Campbell!!! It will be available on Sunday on the church website by clicking on the 'News' tab. The theme will be “Let Your Light Shine”.
This week we are starting to distribute Bible Based Activity Craft Packets to accompany our On Line Childrens Message on Sunday morning. Starting this afternoon, Friday, we will have a bin on the church porch with packets for any child that wants one. These are filled with several coloring pages, crayons, glue sticks, sidewalk chalk and all materials needed to complete a craft project that accompanies our Sunday morning Childrens Message. The bin will be out there all weekend. A total of 38 people are now signed up for my daily Lenten Reflections. If you would like to be added to the email list, please contact me, and join up. The Food Pantry continues to operate for the extended hours of 9-12noon on Saturday. There is a drive-through set up, to inhibit physical contact, and maintain social distancing. A total of 39 families were served last week. Many thanks to all who are helping with any of our church programs, or initiatives. I have been in contact personally by phone, email and texts with many members of all three congregations. We are blessed with strong ties of fellowship and faith to see us through this time of trial. If you feel in need of a virtual hug, or a friendly voice at the end of the telephone, please call me. Let us continue to lift all up to the Lord for his blessing. We pray for all the health professionals at work on our behalf, to be granted an extra measure of energy and compassion; and for all our family members spread around the world, peace of mind and good health. Otsego Office of the Aging, is offering to deliver groceries and prescriptions, plus other services. Please read attached notice from them, below, for more information. There is also an excellent video on health precautions when it comes to shopping, on utube. The link for this is: With love, Pastor Sylvia